Téléphérique Hip-notics
Antalya, Turquie , 2019
All the wakeparks, located in northern countries, have one common problem: they make good profit during the summertime, but doesn’t work during wintertime. For example, “Strogino Wake Park” closed in September, and a Restaurant was barely empty from the beginning of October. In order to make the situation better, we decided to use a fullsize cable as a tow for snowtubes.
We bought tubes, put lights and lasers, made a snowtrack and first Spin Tubing opened January, 1 2022.
We didn’t have any PR activities, but the number of customers was growing like a snowball. Restaurant started making almost same profits as it usually does during the summertime. That is how our team invented the new attraction, called Spin Tubing.

Téléphérique Hip-notics
Antalya, Turquie , 2019
In the winter of 2021, we had a request from a new client from suburbs of Moscow, who wanted to build one of the best wakeparks in the world.
We had following targets to achieve:
The cable should be the longest in Russia
Number and variety of obstacles should get noticed and talked about not only by Russian wakeboard enthusiasts, but also by international ones.
The body of water, which is a large artificial pit, allowed us to install a 870m 6 tower cableway.
To design such a unique and versatile setup, we assembled the team of professional wakeboarders and engineers, we held more than dozens or even thousands of meetings, but the result exceeded all expectations.
In order to produce features setup right on time, we build workshop, bought the newest tools, found and thought staff.
A rumor that Russia has such a unique park has spread out really fast, and the park attracted attention of riders from all over the world.
Right now, the park has 28 features, but the owner doesn’t want to stop and keeps developing the park, using our services.

Téléphérique Hip-notics
Antalya, Turquie , 2019
Before 2016, there were no wakeparks in Russia with an infrastructure of a decent quality. To improve this situation, we went to the Authorities of Moscow and asked them for a help to build a modern wakepark with good infrastructure. Authorities supported our idea and allocated us a plot of land. This land is located in the territory of park, which is in the list of protected areas. Hence, we had to find a solution to build 2 floor autonomous building without foundation to meet all the criteria of building in protected areas. We accomplished this goal with success.
Working closely with an architectural bureau, we designed a project of infrastructure, which included: changing rooms, office, shop, restaurant.
The first stage of the project was building a wakepark with 1 fullsize cable, 2 two tower cables and a set of obstacles. The park opened in May 2019 with minimal infrustructure.
In 2020 a new restaurant was opened at Strogino Wake Park. Even though, we started this restaurant without any assistance from a well-known restauranteur, it was so successful, that we had to rise prices 3 time in first couple of days.
Besides wakepark and restaurant operations, we established financial control tools, hired and thought staff, designed a corporate style, a modern web site and a booking system. Besides that, we held an aggressive PR company together with famous bloggers.
As a result – Strogino Wake Park is the most profitable park in Russia.

Téléphérique Hip-notics
Antalya, Turquie , 2019
In autumn 2018, we had a request from the best ski-resort in Russia, called “Rosa Khutor”, to place a mobile wakepark and hold wakeboarding competitions. We liked the idea, but we offered them to increase the budget a little bit in order to build a full-scale two tower park. Back then, nobody in Russia had an experience of building wakeparks in mountains, which is why our team went to Alps, where our European colleagues shared their knowledges. We’ve done all the necessary calculations and got the project ready. It helped us to peruse executives of ski resort.
The budget was limited due to the fact that wakepark is not a core business for the ski resort. In spite of this fact, we managed to build a full-scale wakepark with all necessary infrastructure and unique set of obstacles. We’ve managed to pull it off with the help of new features production technology, that reduced the price of features.
We are 100% shure, that Rosa Wake Park is the most beautiful wakepark in Russia. Any wakeboarder dreams of photo from this place.

Téléphérique Hip-notics
Antalya, Turquie , 2019

En mai 2019, nous avons effectué une mise à niveau du deuxième ancien téléphérique allemand à deux tours existant à Hip-Notics. Désormais, notre client bénéficie de tous les avantages de Spin Line : nouvel entraînement électrique sans engrenage, ensemble de suspension à ressort, système de contrôle automatisé et télécommande sans fil. Spin serait content pour mettre à niveau vos anciennes deux tours.
"Canyon Wakepark"
Chiang Mai, Thaïlande

Système de câble à deux pylônes SPIN LINE, longueur entre pylônes 200 m.
Spin se vend dans le monde entier ! Notre service logistique a fait un travail fantastique. En à peine deux jours, le système a été livré de Moscou en Thaïlande ! La particularité du projet était que nous devions installer l'un des pylônes sur un mur de montagne sur une hauteur de 15 mètres, néanmoins nous avons fait l'installation dans les plus brefs délais.
Téléphérique Hip-notics
Antalya, Turquie , 2018

Remplacement des systèmes anciens par des systèmes modernes et fiable tour SPIN deux. Sur le souhait du client vieilles tours est resté et un raccord spécial a été conçu par Spin afin de monter le moteur Spin et d'autres composants sur les tours existantes. Nous pouvons facilement adapter notre système à presque tous les environnements du spot et intégrer Spin dans le système de gestion de parc existant.
Parc Shri Wake
Kalpitia, Sri Lanka

Nous avons installé deux systèmes SPIN LINE sur un lac artificiel. Le propriétaire du parc n'avait qu'un critère pour le choix du téléphérique qui est la fiabilité, le choix de SPIN était donc une décision évidente.
Wake Up Kaunas Pool , Kaunas, Lituanie

SPIN POOL récemment installé à Kaunas en Lituanie permet de s'entraîner et de s'amuser dans été comme hiver.
"Parc de wake d'Aktau" , Aktaou, Kazakhstan, Mer Caspienne